I think that the Human Genome Project is a
wonderful and scientifically amazing project. After studying it at only a
high-school level I am absolutely fascinated at what scientists have been able
to do with the human genome. I think that the medical and economical effects
will also be very great.
I enjoy the fact that it will be easier to deal with diseases due to the fact that their location on the chromosome will be known. For example, I chose this picture that's beside this text for a reason. The extra chromosome on chromosome 21 shows that this person has down syndrome. It is my hope that because of this, research will be able to be conducted which will allow treatment and possible prevention of this illness in someone.
I am a little worried that it will be sold to the commercial market and used for "evil", not "good". I mean this, if it can be sold to one company, it must be able to be sold to all. And while Company X is going to use it to crate a drug that not only fights, but prevents cancer, Company Y might use it to create a hallucogin to sell off the shelf or on the streets even. Because of the mapping, it will become easier to target diseases and illnesses, but it will also become easier to make drugs that will affect the correct spots for a "good high".
I can sometimes oppose biotechnology or am at least on the fence about some because I am worried that humans will fiddle around with nature too much, but I am fully in support of the Human Genome Project because from what I read there seem to be no repercussions of mapping it. There are a great deal of legal, ethical and social issues surrounding it, however, but I feel that the number of benefits it will bring is enormously important and worthwhile to the human race.